'You Be the Light' Concludes the Walk Around Wiscasset Season on Thursday, September 24, 2020

Say Hello to Autumn with Safe Socializing in Wiscasset Village       

 WISCASSET, MAINE – Dusk settles early in late September and so Walk Around Wiscasset invites strollers to help light up the Village. ‘You be the Light’ is the evening’s theme with participants carrying – or wearing – lights! Only two days after the Autumnal Equinox, the final Walk Around Wiscasset on September 24, 5-6:30pm, becomes a communal farewell to summer and a hearty welcome to autumn.  

 ‘Accessorize!’ Is the final fashion theme for the Walk Around season. This is the last chance to show off that new hat, new scarf, favorite necklace, or dapper bow tie that never had its well-deserved public exposure during summer 2020! Consider this a final fashion hurrah before the mild temps. disappear.  

 Participants in the Walk Around Wiscasset are reminded to wear masks, keep a safe distance, avoid congregating, but do wave vigorously to friends and strangers alike! It’s been a deep slog through the season with occasional pinpricks of light and we all need a dose of community fellowship!  

 During the summer of 2020, Walk Around Wiscasset replaced the Wiscasset Art Walk because of coronavirus concerns. To see highlights from Walk Around Wiscasset, visit www.wiscassetartwalk.org .