Galleries, Shops, and Sidewalk Bustle Make for a Full Evening
The season is in high gear and Wiscasset Art Walk welcomes our local residents and the many visiting families who are enjoying delicious vacation days in mid-coast Maine.
Meet your neighbors and make new friends on Thursday, July 26, 5-8pm, as our Village galleries and businesses open their doors for the evening; sidewalk entertainment promises fun for all.
The evening starts with a wine tasting at Treats from 4 to 7pm. Food trucks selling fresh oysters and Mexican specialties are just next door, along with a lemonade stand run by an enterprising 7-year-old who is raising funds for the Lincoln County Animal Shelter. The ever-so-talented Married with Chitlins will play their country/blues/folk mix in this pop-up outdoor bistro.
The sidewalk attractions are many with Mehndi (traditional body painting with henna) by India-trained Krishnabai; a photo booth with dress-up props hosted by the First Congregational Church of Wiscasset; and an historical display of artifacts and costumes by the Lincoln County Historical Association. Watch out for sidewalk magician Phil Smith who will be pulling bunnies out of your hats and coins out of your ears as you stroll.
The Maine Art Gallery, usually located several blocks from the Village on Warren St., makes an appearance in this season’s POP-UP Gallery on Main St. with selections from their new exhibit: “Memories, Dreams, Reflections” by Joseph, Tony, and Max Ascrizzi. And just around the corner, behind the Nickels-Sortwell House (open for free tours), is a fine craft show in the barn and on the lawn from 11am to 7pm.
Stroll the Village and enjoy the high-quality art, both contemporary and historic, in our galleries; shop the one-of-a-kind specialty shops and exquisite antique venues. Spend time on the pier enjoying riverfront views and the crafty shacks; lobster shacks and family-centered Sarah’s Café are open through the evening and later.
Park your car and enjoy a full summer evening of art, music, wonder, Maine history, and sparkling river views – all in one place!
Wiscasset Art Walks are held on the last Thursday of the summer months: July 26, August 30, and September 27 from 5 to 8pm. Participant sites are marked with colorful streamers and touring maps are available throughout the Village.
Lead Sponsors for Wiscasset Art Walk 2018 are Donna and Frank Barnako. Major Sponsors are Ames True Value, Big Barn Coffee, Carl M.P. Larrabee Agency, Carriage House Gardens, First National Bank, Peter H. Eaton & Joan Brownstein Antiques, Red’s Eats, and The Maine Real Estate Network/Chris Almasi, broker; with additional sponsors Emotions in Writing and In the Clover.
(featured image is Harbor Gold, Boothbay Harbor by Kimberly Johnson exhibiting at Ingram Art & Antiques in Wiscasset Village)