Marimbas, Craft Show, Plein Air Artists at Wiscasset Art Walk, 7-27-17

Special Events in Unexpected Places Enrich the Evening for Visitors

WISCASSET, MAINE – A constellation of very special events headlines the Wiscasset Art Walk on Thursday, July 27, 5-8pm, in Wiscasset Village.  A marimba band, a high-end craft show in an historic barn, and artists painting outdoors throughout the Village will make for a very dense and very rewarding evening.

The Maine Marimba Ensemble will entertain WAW visitors as Middle St. is partially closed to vehicles and becomes a performance stage instead.  From their web site, “Maine Marimba Ensemble performs complex polyrhythmic arrangements of traditional and contemporary Zimbabwean music on handcrafted marimbas.” Sit a while and enjoy the music or keep meandering through the Village’s collection of artist-owned galleries, one-of-a-kind specialty shops, antique stores, and delicious food venues.   

The Nickels-Sortwell House, owned and managed by Historic New England, invites visitors to a juried craft show in the house museum’s barn and lawn at the corner of Main and Federal Streets. Twenty-eight accomplished crafters, all from Maine, will be displaying their handiwork. Crafts for sale will include quilts, reproduction furniture, jewelry, ceramics, fishing lures, pickles & jams, hand-made dolls, soft sculptures, wooden stools, and other specialty items. The craft show runs from 11am until 7pm, giving visitors plenty of time to enjoy the crafts and the Art Walk.

During the evening, artists who are taking part in a five-day plein air painting event, sponsored by The Maine Art Gallery, will set up their easels in the Village to capture the architecture, Village scenes, and river views. Watch the creative process unfold over the shoulder of a working artist.  Visit Maine Art Gallery on Facebook for ‘wet art’ exhibit and sale details.

Wiscasset Art Walks are held on the last Thursday of the summer months, 5-8pm, with July 27, August 31, and September 28 still ahead. Participant sites are marked with colorful streamers and touring maps are available throughout the Village. Major Sponsors for Wiscasset Art Walk 2017 are Donna and Frank Barnako, Ames True Value, Big Barn Coffee, Carl M.P. Larrabee Agency, Carleton Real Estate, Carriage House Gardens, First National Bank, Red’s Eats, and The Maine Real Estate Network/Chris Almasi, broker. Additional sponsors are Cod Cove Inn and In the Clover. FMI: Lucia Droby at or Violet Brandwein at 917-327-1449; .